
Gas Drilling
Awareness for Cortland

All wealth flows from the environment, not the other way.

Humans have a very hard time with this concept.


How to Use Fracking Map, Hear from Affected People,

You Are Here interactive online tool for tracking New York State frack infrastructure.

Van Etten will be the first place in the region to host the demonstration of an online mapping tool of statewide shale-gas related projects. Although there’s officially a ban on fracking, there is no slowdown in the build-out of infrastructure, including pipelines, compressor stations, gas storage caverns, export terminals, and dumps accepting radioactive frack waste (such as the Chemung County Landfill).

The You Are Here fracking infrastructure map allows viewers to visualize the scale of the industrialization and see how our state is being used to abet this climate-busting technology in other states. It also includes information about the community organizations working against the industrial harms.

The map helps New Yorkers realize we are actually being fracked, says Linda Leeds of FrackbustersNY, who worked on the mapping project along with Sane Energy Project and people from several other groups statewide.




  • Local Events


stop 81 pipeline

 New Pipeline Website:  http://stop81pipeline@wordpress.com/ (inactive 11/14)



dont frack

  • myths 2 columns (1)

Fracking Update April 2014




Video of Leasing Workshop Mar. 2013 in Norwich


of Jan 10th Assembly Hearing on Hydrofracking




fracking cartoon

  • _____________________________________

Donations by check can be made directly to Gas Drilling Awareness for Cortland County.  

For tax deductible donations, which are used specifically for educational projects,

checks should be made payable to

“Sierra Club Foundation” with “Finger Lakes Group” in

the memo line.

All checks can be mailed to

GDACC;  PO Box 5151;   Cortland, NY

We provide speakers/presentations
for local groups on leasing, economics, environmental, agricultural
impacts of industrial gas drilling.

Contact us at gdacc.cortland@gmail.com   

Us on Facebook


“It is much easier at
all times to prevent an evil than to rectify mistakes.”

George Washington, 1798


9 Responses to Welcome

  1. Thank you, Thank you so much for all your information. I am using the letter you wrote to Chesapeake and I so appreciate it. Again thanks for all your hard work in keeping us informed.

    • I asked my rural town in NY if we had any areas zoned for heavy industry. The reply was no. We have three areas zoned for light industry. Do I need to do anything else to protect my town from hydraulic fracturing.

      • Sheila Cohen says:

        Andi, There are several people in Cortlandville who are interested to circulate petitions to ask that the town make explicit within their zoning code that they exclude heavy industry. You can email me at scohen3@twcny.rr.com and I will put you in touch with Ray Dunnigan and others who have an interest in assuring that the town does not allow heavy industrial activity such as mining/gas drilling/hydrofracking. Thanks for taking an interest in assuring the community is protected. Sheila Cohen

  2. Radoslav Kamenov says:

    I am writing to you from Bulgaria and in the name of thousands of Bulgarians regarding the upcoming ecological disaster in our country.

    In the middle of June 2011 our government granted a five-year permit to the U.S. company Chevron to carry out shale gas exploration in the most fertile part of our country – “Dobruja”, for 30 million euros. There is much evidence that the technology of exploration and extraction of shale gas is very controversial and it can damage the environment. We are trying to organise ourselves via facebook – so far we have formed a group of about 10 000 enthusiasts – in order to inform the Bulgarian population about the dangers of exploration and extraction of shale gas.

    Our request is: We know that there are a lot of people in the US that are harmed by the hidraulic fracturing consequences How about if we coordinate our activities , record them and give them to medias for broadcasting IN BOTH OUR COUNTRIES SIMULTANEOUSLY?It is ever increasingly difficult to overcome the obstacles of our famous bureaucratic machine, as well as the pessimistic attitude of some fellow Bulgarian citizens, fed up with the statements of the Bulgarian Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and a group of biased scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Science. According to them, the exploration of shale gas is safe and no different than the exploration of oil and natural gas, and the extraction itself doesn’t represent any danger to the environment. Of course, there are many other specialists who are saying the opposite, but they are given no publicity, which doesn’t surprise us at all.

    Our Facebook group’s page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/ecobg/
    For contacts: dokumentalni2@gmail.com or facebook.

    With regards,

    A Bulgarian Civil Movement, which wants to preserve the beauty and integrity of our country’s nature.

  3. Virginia Karpenko says:

    I appreciated the sample letter for sending and canceling a gas lease. I am using it to cancel our lease; however, I find one item lacking in this web site and similar web sites. You tell us to get a good attorney that is familiar with gas leases, but you don’t list any on your site. I attended Joe and Mikes’ seminar in Summer Hill and they recommended it as well, but again no particular names given and Joe stated he certainly wasn’t looking for more work. It does no good to Google for them you get news items and very few names. Why don’t you provide a list of attorneys that handle gas leases (writing and canceling them)? If you’ve got a listing here you’ve managed to bury it where I’m having trouble finding it. Thanks for all the information.

  4. Virginia Karpenko says:

    I want to thank everyone that helped to build this site and for the sample letters on canceling a lease. I received wonderful news today in the mail…I received my lease termination notice that had been filed in the county clerk’s office. I was overjoyed. A great burden has been lifted from my family. When we signed the lease we’d never heard of hydrofracking and foolishly assumed that any drilling would be a traditional well. I know now that there were questions that should have been asked and weren’t. I only hope that more people in New York come to realize that even though the offer of big bucks is tempting, a pristine country side is more important. Thank you for everything.

  5. Dan McConnell says:

    From http://www.dec.ny.gov/energy/205.html:

    “Oil, gas and solution salt mining wells are economically important in New York State ….

    “….In addition, the Division protects the correlative rights of mineral owners and ensures that oil and gas reserves are developed such that a greater ultimate recovery can be achieved. This is accomplished through well spacing and compulsory integration.”

    This isn’t conservation of the environment, it’s collusion with drilling companies. Were real returns/gains locally to be realized-you could ALMOST explain away the evil. But there’s not even that. For all the whining about an economic opportunity that could be squandered, the people involved have already proven how they handle economic opportunity. It would be a net loss for us and the environment, an incredible gain for them. I say the law should be the more you make off a drilling, collection, storage, processing, operation, the closer you have to live to the site.

  6. Bob Lidsky says:


    Welcome to REAL NYS – Responsible Associated Landowners of New York State

    As a landowner in NYS, please join the movement to protect your land, home, livelihood and family from the impacts of fracking.

    You can learn more by checking Our Mission and Our Work at: http://realnys.com

    As the battle continues over fracking, the gas companies claim that they represent a majority of landowners. We beg to differ. We are sure there are many more landowners who believe that our land is worth protecting from industrialization and that we are, first and foremost, stewards for our land. We refuse to be bullied into trading short-term energy profit for long term environmental and community destruction.

    Won’t you join us?

    Visit the site, go to the join us! page and add your land to the list/survey so we can show the government, politicians and gas industry that we stand together, united in our commitment to keep our lands frack-free. All property, in every part of NYS, and of every size should be included.

    And please, spread the word by forwarding this message to everyone you know in NYS. Help us change the conversation about gas drilling. Let us show the world how much New York’s landowners love their land. Thank You!

    Please Forward

  7. Ryatt says:

    Thank you GDACC for doing what you are doing to help protect Cortland County. Can anyone please give me an accurate number of the percentage of Cortland County (preferably by village/town) that has been leased for drilling?

    Thank you!

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