State deploys response trailers along crude oil transportation corridor – Capitol Confidential

The state will station 24 emergency response trailers at key locations along the state’s crude oil transportation corridor, including one in the City of Albany and four in the Capital Region,…

Source: State deploys response trailers along crude oil transportation corridor – Capitol Confidential

Luck Rides The Rails: Another Near Miss with an “Insane” Bakken Oil Bomb Train | DeSmogBlog

Luck was in abundance on Friday in Mosier, Oregon where the latest Bakken oil train derailed and erupted into flames near a 50-home residential area and a school.

Source: Luck Rides The Rails: Another Near Miss with an “Insane” Bakken Oil Bomb Train | DeSmogBlog

The Oil & Gas Threat Map |

Interactive map shows the millions of homes, schools and hospitals threatened by oil & gas air pollution. Find out if you’re one. See why we need to cut methane pollution.

Source: The Oil & Gas Threat Map |

Oil Train Blast Zone

Millions of American live in the blast zone. Do you?

Source: Oil Train Blast Zone

Bomb Trains | Chicago magazine | May 2016

They’re explosive. Pervasive. And their movements are cloaked in secrecy. Their nickname? Bomb trains. And they roll through the heart of Chicago.

Source: Bomb Trains | Chicago magazine | May 2016

Using freight maps and firsthand reporting, the West Coast environmental advocacy group Stand has assembled a national map of the most common crude oil train routes and created an interactive website that allows users to determine how far any U.S. location is from these routes.


Source: Deadly-Crossing-Web-Version.pdf

25 million Americans live within one mile of a bomb train route. Are you one of them?

As you read this, train cars are crisscrossing the nation carrying a highly volatile form of crude oil. Known as “bomb trains,” these cars have a history of devastating explosions – threatening lives and waterways – when involved in any kind of an accident.

Our report, Deadly Crossing: Neglected Bridges & Exploding Oil Trains, details the danger. The report includes the findings of a grassroots network of advocates who conducted inspections across the United States and identified significant areas of concern with 114 railway bridges along known and potential routes of explosive oil trains.

What they found should alarm us all.

The condition of our nation’s rail infrastructure is dismal. And, according to a study by our report partners, ForestEthics, it threatens the lives of more than 25 million Americans who live within one mile of an oil train route, known as the bomb train blast zone. You may be one of them.

Help us take the findings of this new report to the federal government and demand that bomb trains stop endangering lives and waterways.